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In the current COVID-19 pandemic people who need the services of a taxi firm may be concerned about getting into a vehicle. After all, the previous passenger may have the coronavirus and the latest fare-paying passenger getting into the vehicle may be worried that the seats, doors etc have not been thoroughly cleaned after each drop off.
Of course, black cabs have the benefit of a glass sliding partition between the rear passenger area and the front of the taxi so this configuration that you do not normally get with a conventional car that is being used as a taxi is of potential benefit at reducing the possibility of the virus being spread between the taxi driver and the passenger. Another potential benefit of the black cab layout is that the distance between the passenger sitting in the rear seat of a black cab is possibly further from the taxi driver than in a normal car.
So, it could be argued that a black cab is safer to transport passengers during the pandemic.
As the lockdown measures are gradually being eased here in the UK, the amount of business for taxi drivers may be increasing. For instance, there will no doubt be a number of people who are returning to work who feel safer travelling in a taxi than they would if they were to use the likes of a bus or a train even though the cost of travelling in a taxi is probably going to be more expensive.
Obviously, if you are a taxi driver, you will want to make sure that your vehicle is kept very clean and that it is thoroughly cleaned before the next passenger gets in to reduce the possibility of someone getting the coronavirus whether that be the passenger or yourself. Let us hope that it will not be too many weeks/ months before the country gets back to some form of normality.