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As a taxi driver it is quite possible that you travel more miles per annum than the average motorist who merely commutes to and from work or goes to the shops and back a few times a week. The more miles that you do in your taxi results in increased wear on your tyres so it is important that you have the tread depth checked regularly as well as to see if there is any damage to them requiring new tyres.
The legal minimum tread depth limit for a tyre is 1.6mm but there are many that feel this is insufficient. Some recommend that the minimum limit should be in the region of 3mm – a significant difference.
When you think about it, your tyres are the only thing on your taxi that are connected to the road so it is important that they are good for purpose at all times and in all types of weather. When it is wet and icy the stopping distance for a vehicle increases significantly.
It is worth mentioning that if you do drive your taxi with a tyre that has a thread
below the legal limit then you could face a fine of up to £2,500 per tyre plus 3 penalty points per tyre. We are sure you will agree that is a potential large sum of money and a huge number of points that could end up putting you out of business as a taxi driver.
It doesn’t take long to pop into a tyre fitting place such as Kwik Fit or Fast Fit Tyres to have the thread on your tyres checked. They will also be able to check for any damage to the tyres or to see if any have nails on them causing a slow puncture. The cost of replacing a tyre is significantly cheaper than having to pay a fine. So, get your tyre thread checked today to hopefully provide you with peace of mind.