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Interesting Taxi StatisticTaxi and private hire vehicle drivers may find it of interest to hear that the Department of Transport on 13th July 2022 published a report entitled National Statistics, Taxi and Private Hire Vehicle Statistics, England:2022. The full report can be found on the website but we highlight some of the statistics below.
Between the period 2005 to 2020 there was a rise in the number of licensed vehicles from 184,500 to 298,600. However it is interesting to note that in the space of a year i.e. in 2021 the number of licensed vehicles dropped to 251,100. This is a significant reduction. In 2022 there were 260,700 licensed vehicles. Within the same period, the volume of driver licenses went up from 242,100 to 364,700. However, in 2021 this figure reduced to 342,100.
Presumably the coronavirus pandemic had some bearing on the figures in 2020 and 2021. As taxi drivers know a significant number of taxi drivers decided to stop trading due to their incomes reducing by a significant amount of money.
Another interesting statistic is that in the period 1972 to 2015 there was a rise in the number of taxis in England and Wales but between 2015 and 2020 numbers fell in particular in 2020.
You may find it of interest to read that in 2022, for every 1,000 people in London, there were 10.6 vehicles yet in mainly rural areas for every 1,000 people there were inly 1,9 vehicles.
All London taxis have to be wheelchair accessible so it is interesting to hear that only 40% of taxis in the rest of England were wheelchair accessible. In England, only 2% of private hire vehicles were wheelchair accessible.
We trust that you found the above statistics of interest if you are either a taxi driver or owner of a private hire vehicle. However, as we mentioned above, more statistics can be found on the above website that we are sure you will find informative.