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We thought that you might find it of interest to read that around 400 black cabs are to carry military grade bandages in their vehicles. These bandages could be used if someone was seriously cut whilst in their vehicle or if a serious incident were to occur on the streets of London and a black cab equipped with such bandages could potentially be hailed down by a passer by to help from a medical perspective.
These bandages could potentially be used if, for instance, a member of the public was subject to a knife attack by a terrorist in the city. These bandages can apparently be used to stem the flow of blood quite effectively.
Obviously, it is to be hoped that taxi drivers will not be called upon to offer such first aid but it will probably give a number of people in London peace of mind in knowing that such first aid may be available.
We have to say that those London taxi drivers whose taxis are going to be equipped with such first aid equipment are to be commended for agreeing to take part in such a most welcome scheme. It can only go further in enhancing what is already a good relationship that cabbies have with their fare paying passengers and members of the public in the capital.
It is one heck of a responsibility that those cabbies who have agreed to take part in a potentially life saving scheme have done so. Imagine being faced with a member of the public injured on the pavement in say Oxford Street in London who has severe blood loss. His or her life could potentially be saved by the quick wittedness of a London cabbie. A very well done to all those taking part in this wonderful scheme.
If you are aware of similar things being done in other parts of the UK then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us. In doing so, we may be able to ensure that the taxi driver providing first aid gets the recognition him or her deserves.